Site icon ThunderLan

What is ThunderLan

ThunderLAN is a community LAN event. That means a whole bunch of people bring their computers and console together in one place, socializing, learning, and yes, playing games together. The event has been around in its numerous incarnations for over 15 years, and has been at the Sadadeen Marian hall for over a decade. The event is well established and is run by the Alice Springs LAN Group, a not-for-profit organization setup to organize and run ThunderLAN, with the help of volunteers and sponsors.

At ThunderLAN you can expect to find a PC gamers, console gamers, music, food, drinks, competitions, prizes, and other activities like the LAN Olympics and PC building lessons. Tables, chairs, internet access, high speed local network, and plenty of power is available;  all you need to bring is your device. There is a $20 entry fee for people bringing devices, but people who just want to check it out are welcome for free. Events are ran roughly 5 times a year, happen on Saturdays, and typically go from midday to midnight.